December 8, 2011


As I near the end of another semester of teaching I am grateful for a needed break. This school year so far has been interesting and exciting. I was blessed with a student teacher that understood my style of teaching and my students. She will be leaving and teaching in her own classroom soon. She will make a great teacher and I am so blessed that she requested to come back and student teach with ME! On another note, I am going to try to be productive over Christmas break and complete some hats so that when I get my Etsy site up and running I have more then 5 items to post. I am so very excited to get back to trying to sell some of the items that I put so much love and time into families that will use the hats and LOVE them. I will be sure to post more pictures of the projects in which I am tackling in the coming weeks.

November 15, 2011

No Follow Through

So I really had good intentions of doing the 30 days of thanks but I found that every weekend I was out and about and every day was crazy. Maybe I should just keep an ongoing list and then post that list! I have a wonderful knitting project I was working on but when I tried it on the sweater was about 10 inches TOO BIG for me! I then had to rip it out and start over. I am excited to start it again as I would like to make a nice sweater I can wear. (Show off my GREAT work) November seems to have just wizzed by and soon it will be December and Christmas time. I would like to make some fun crafty decorations. When that happens I will be posting the pictures online!

November 3, 2011

30 Days of Thanks

Day 3: I am thankful for the cooler weather! I love putting on my pants and sweaters. I love when Fall/Winter comes and you can make dinner in the crockpot let it cook all day and then the house smells AMAZING. Here is a picture of me gearing up for the "Winter" in Arizona!

November 2, 2011

Hats for Baby Lily!

I made some hats recently that were for a church friend. She just had a sweet baby girl and was in need of some cute hats for a photo shot. I LOVE them both and think they turned out very nice!

Hat 1

Owl Hat

I love them both so much I am going to try to make a few but in different colors. When I open my ETSY site I will be sure to add them to my stock!

November of Thanks:
Day 1: I am thankful for my family. When I was down they were able to help remind me that I am strong and can do great things.
Day 2: I am thankful for my job. I love teaching and I love the population that I work with. I love that every day there is something new to do.

October 5, 2011

New to Blogging

So this is my first blog post and am very new to this. I have looked at several craft blogs and decided that I wanted to start one so that I can start documenting all the new and exciting projects I am working on and all the ones I have finished.

I am currently a Special Education teacher in Arizona and enjoy crafting in my spare time. I have just finished a crochet along with Maybe Matilda (